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2017-12-18 03:00

Staff Writer, with CNA /

The nation yesterday celebrated International Migrants Day, which is today, with a parade in Taipei featuring new immigrants and their children dressed in the traditional attire of their home nations.

Joined by 12 groups of new immigrant families, migrant workers and migrant support groups from Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and other nations, the parade circled the 228 Memorial Peace Park to start the annual event.

The march was followed by musical and dance performances by new immigrants and foreigners living in Taiwan.

“New immigrants are no longer a symbol for the underprivileged in Taiwan, but a source of new power,” Deputy Minister of the Interior Hua Ching-chun (花敬群) said during a speech at the event.

The number of foreign spouses in Taiwan has surpassed 520,000, according to Ministry of the Interior data.

The nation also has more than 610,000 blue-collar migrant workers and about 30,000 white-collar migrant workers.

“Now Taiwan is your family and new home,” Hua told the immigrants attending the event.

Under the principle of diversity, respect, love and care, the government has been taking a series of measures to better safeguard the rights and ensure the welfare of new immigrants and their children, Hua said.

Noting the government’s New Southbound Policy, which is aimed at deepening ties with Southeast and South Asian nations, as well as Australia and New Zealand, Hua said that the government would make every effort to encourage foreigners and new immigrants to stay in Taiwan and raise their families here.

The term “new immigrants” refers to foreigners who have moved to Taiwan after marrying a Taiwanese, or those who have come to study or work.

The event also featured booths showcasing food and traditional artifacts from the immigrants’ home nations.

Despite drizzling rain and cold weather, the event was attended by more than 1,000 new immigrants, the event’s organizers said.

Many blue-collar migrants cannot stay in Taiwan after their work contracts expire and while working in Taiwan, they face unfair treatment, long work hours and high wage deductions by brokers, rights groups have said.

The groups have long said that the government has failed to effectively address their concerns.

Meanwhile, Southeast Asians who study in Taiwan often have to return home because they cannot find well-paying jobs after graduating, the groups have said.


    創作者 ★【京誠】★ 的頭像

    ★【京誠】★ 桃園房屋二胎 鹿港房屋二胎 當日撥款

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